By Redbaiter- in the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low.

Darren Hughes- A Blast From The Past

This ain’t the first time we’ve see Darren suffering a bit of embarrassment. This story was doing the rounds Christmas 2009.

Par­lia­ment has wound up and the annual free drinks, well free to peo­ple the likes of Dar­ren, are to be had at the Press Gallery Piss Up. This is leg­endary this piss up and rules are the usual, what goes on tour, stays on tour. Except the “tour” was wind­ing up when our young day-walker Dar­ren spied a likely can­di­date for a night of passion.

He sug­gested to the young impres­sion­able staffer that they join him in his room for drinks, the oth­ers will be along shortly. The young impres­sion­able staffer thinks this great, free drinks paid for by an MP, fan­tas­tic, and tags along with Darren.

They arrive at the room and enter, the young impres­sion­able staffer has a drink, Dar­ren has a drink, no-one else has turned up. More drinks are had and more time has elapsed, the impres­sion­able young staffer is start­ing to think this is a bit strange, still no one else has arrived. A few more drink and then surprise!

Our young day-walker decides that the time is right and plops him­self down in the lap of the impres­sion­able young staffer, who is now sit­ting bolt upright with alarm.

You see the impres­sion­able young staffer thought he was there just for drinks, lit­tle did they know that the day-walker Dar­ren had other thoughts. The impres­sion­able young staffer makes hur­ried excuses and bolts out the door shaken by the encounter.

Excerpt only- full story at Whale Oil

12 responses to “Darren Hughes- A Blast From The Past”

  1. Bez Avatar

    So let’s guess..
    As a result of our culture of career politicians operating within strong party organizations, we have this weird subculture, especially on the left, where eager young things work their way through school and university with the sole objective of becoming a politician. The path to success is of course early participation in a political party, and preferably also in the student and/or union organisations. Creating “networks” is all important and must be undertaken at every opportunity.

    Those who have “made it” have something of celebrity status, almost like a rock star, albeit in a perverse way. Little surprise that some of the excesses that may be found in all these “celebrity” environments are also present in this political arena. Here we have a very successful example by all sick standards of this subculture: never had a decent job in his life, but already risen to very dizzying heights of political power, including a spell as minister. Also apparently a bit of a “conqueror”, albeit somewhat clumsy with it, as earlier escapades have demonstrated. Unclear whether he’s actually “out of the closet” or not, not everybody may know.

    Now place our politician in a university debating situation, audience made up of political groupies and wannabees, as per the above. Lots of intelligent and no doubt high quality philosophical debate, dealing with the large and complicated issues of our society, all very, very deep stuff. Crowd and politician high on their esoteric understandings, giddy with power and insight, answers to any question; give us the power and the world will be a beautiful place! All very motivating for powerful politicians and eager young things.

    Our politician then has some additional drinks with some idolating followers, no doubt all fawning over him. Invigorated by his intellectual power over this crowd, and probably by a few drinks as well, our boy makes his move, thinking that the adoration on display is something other than a sniveling attempt at creating an inside contact in the Labour party. Ouch, and surprise, this young thing is not at all interested to take this particular route to an inside contact.

    It’s all speculation of course, but why oh why are we taxpayers and voters not allowed to have full disclosure of what exactly our elected politicians are up to. These people spent all day, every day, lecturing us about what we can, and cannot do, with our own money, bodies and properties. They never even hesitate to include in their lecturing any and all issues of ethics and morality, they are always prepared to slander and ridicule everybody, to drag everybody’s private circumstances into the spotlight where it serves their goals, be those strategic or merely tactical.
    People engaged in this political game should themselves be subject to scrutiny that is hugely more intense than that applied to anybody else. They should be measured by different, and much higher standards, and they should be made to answer any and all allegation in the open, and they should do so immediately and without hesitation. If they are not interested to do that, they should seek different employment.

    The simple observation of what’s going on now, with half truths and evasions, and the implicit participation in this of the media, just goes to demonstrate how thoroughly sick the political culture in this country is.


  2. The Gantt Guy Avatar
    The Gantt Guy

    /juvenile giggling

    “route to an inside contact” Tee hee. Not even a double entendre there Bez. Maybe an entendre and a half, because I’m in a generous mood.

    juvenile giggling/


  3. Lucia Maria Avatar

    It really makes me wonder about the rest of them.


  4. Kris K Avatar

    I must admit that when I heard mention, in various news bulletins, of “Mr Hughes”, an “18 year old male”, and a “police enquiry” I automatically jumped to what appears to be a similar conclusion that others here have reached. Especially given Mr Hughes sexual proclivities.

    When are we going to insist that parliament is made up of individuals of honour, integrity and morals, rather than liars, thieves, and mincing queers like Mr Hughes who are prepared to use their position and power for their own sordid personal advantage?!

    If I had my way no queer would qualify to enter parliament. Has there ever been one (Klark, Cwis Carter, Findlayson) who hasn’t done serious damage to New Zealand and been behind some of the worst social engineering, manipulation and treasonous acts in recent years?!

    And we all know that Hughes is “the son” Klark never had. Just another reason he should be deemed “unsuitable” and forced out.


  5. mawm Avatar

    Reminds me of the story of a eager yound man who went camping in the outback. He was sitting around his campfire enjoying the solitude when a ute pulls up. A ginger-headed man jumps out and says “Howdee, I’m the farmer from down the road and I’ve come to invite you to a party”.
    “Thank you, that’s very kind”.
    “There’ll be a bit of drinking”.
    “That’s OK” replied the young man.
    “And some screaming”.
    “Uh ha, I’m OK with that”.
    “And there will be lots of sex”, said the red.
    “Whoo hoo, that’s good. What should I wear?” he asked
    “I doesn’t matter”, said red, “it’ll just be the two of us”.


  6. Chuck Avatar

    Have have heard comments about his wife and kids. He is now staying with King but does anyone know if he has been married or has kids.


  7. erikter Avatar

    Hughes should have the balls (pun intended) to come out of the closet and confess his homosexuality.
    After all, not without reason he was Helen Clark’s favourite.


  8. caleb Avatar

    where have our standards gone. these moral-less, gutless, liars, devoid of principal and unqualified… lead our country.

    i want better, much better.


  9. side show bob Avatar
    side show bob

    Is The Standard on nuclear power? Should really ring the emergency services, it looks like a meltdown.


  10. Angus Avatar

    It is rumoured that the ostensibly heterosexual Steve Maharey had an “affair” with a male staffer. Also, I’ve heard that Chris Hipkins is as bent as a clock-spring too.


  11. Cadwallader Avatar

    I don’t care what their sexuality is. I have posted on this at WO.
    The Standard will go into the same self-righteous mode as has Goof. One would think that Labour would learn. When a scandal looms, fall on the sword and the shock horror abates at a greater pace than where the accused feigns innocence. Their failure to recognise the need for rapid contrition reveals how stupid and how ineptly led the Party is.


  12. pinkofreezone Avatar

    Have have heard comments about his wife and kids. He is now staying with King but does anyone know if he has been married or has kids.

    I’ve never heard about any and I remember when he was Minister of…….. Statistics (high power jobee that one)… I get the impression it is well known in Wellington that Darren is gay, and as has been for a while…

